Ignasi Pérez Arnal
26-28 maggio 2014
Key words
Materials / Ecoproducts / Transproducts / Water / Energy / Waste / Biomimetics / Natural materials / Sustainable living / Processes
During the 20 hours, the seminar will develop processes and systems to conduct research, to provide the student with the basic necessary knowledge to enable him/her to investigate and devise reasoning and calculation, design and application of eco-materials in a building process.
Student participation is required to enter into a project culture, a permanent future flexibility in the workplace and its openness to vectors that affect his/her daily work.
The seminar is based on real and simulated cases (Project-Based Learning) which integrate other knowledge (Integrated Project), so students will be exposed to multiple scales as their future professional work will be.
After the 20-hour seminar, the student will be able to have eco and sustainability criteria to choose building materials and housing products, to have capacity to collect and design ecoproducts and ecodesign materials.
Course syllabus
Sessions will be divided into 5 units x 4 hours each (with 3 main contents per hour), with shorts breaks every chapter. There will be exercises (single and team driven ones).
A basic exam will be done in the first hour in order to know, as a reference, the global knowledge about Ecomaterials in the class. Day 1 Morning: Self-introduction, 10 questions brief exam, the story of Donuts, Drivers of Change, MaterFAD, Data Sheet, and Definition of Sustainability/Matter/Material/Efficiency/Water/ Energy/Waste, Ecomanipulation, Cork
Day 1 Afternoon: Minimum materials, Non-existing materials, Design materials for the other 90%, Peak Oil Plastics,, Vernacular Architecture through vernacular materials, Non growing societies, Disruptive approaches, Outside the box
Day 2 Morning: The Story of Stuff, Energy, Labelling, C, Energy, Labelling, Certification, Comparing apples with pears, materials to save energy, materials to create energy, Circular Economy, ACV, Without energy, Biomimetics, Robotics and materials. Relation materials and ways of building, MMC
Day 2 Afternoon: Water, Self-sufficiency, No water materials, less water materials, materials to create water, offsite construction materials, products to save water…
Day 3 Morning: Best 10 sustainable products, Living Futures, Sustainable Living Styles, Biodegration, Oxo-degradation, comparing water and Energy invoices, the Final Scheda
Drivers of Change, http://www.driversofchange.com/make/research/doc/
The Story of Stuff, http://storyofstuff.org/
Design for the other 90%, http://www.designother90.org/ Ecoproductos para la arquitetura y el diseño, http://www.terra. org/categorias/libros/ecoproductos-para-la-arquitectura-y-el- diseno Shigeru Ban, http://www.arcspace.com/bookcase/shigeru-ban/