Making sustainability effective

Making sustainability effective

International Summer School

3rd—12th September 2010 Asilo Sella, Lungomare Garibaldi, Alghero

A muliìdìmensional approach to the proiect and planning at the different scales

Adtieying Sustainability meons thinking great thoughts: odtieving sustainability means paying attention to little things; ochieying sustainability means relleding on our behaviour; achievîng sustainability means considering translormations that oltect our society and the economy. In order to adriewe sustainability architects. engineers, product-, process- ond interaction designers, plonners and economists, narrators, poets, social sdentists and plrysicids are needed. Adtieying sustainability means to plan and proiecl at all levels. The International Summer School at the School al Architecture, Design and Urban planning in Alghero will locus on all ol these themes, examine issues regarding the organisation and the collection of energies in cities and territo ries to use them os means lor preserving and enhancing the emironment and lor protecting it against degradation. Energy exists in cities and territories in two larms: llux or stock; llux in the form ol luels, water. electricity and tran- sport, and stock in the Form ol energy assembled by territories and cities in buildings, fields, monuments, roads, libraries, schools, obieczts, materials, work carried out by people and machines [the latter sometimes stronger than the energy flowing through buildings, lasting far as long as it is useful]. Requallty, recompose restore, rethinl<, recycle, reduce, redesign. Strato cannot be embalmed or — rather — not oli ol them: we do need museums, but. os o matter ol fact, good museums do not embolm objects. History must be permitted to proceed, to progress. “therefore we— need, instead, to rethink, reconsider, reeloborate, relive and recampose the new city and its territory, its lonms and its components with a sense of heed, thrîh, equity, solidarity and beauty. These issues Will be faced in the International Summer School through the elaboration ot proieds and plans at yorious levels, using the northern part ol Sardinia os the trame ol relerence. For the participation at the school students will receive 3 ECTS, submissions deadlinejuly 24.

Protessors and tutors:

Ivan Àlvarez leòn. Francesca Arìci, Samanta Bartocci, }ordi Bellmunt, Giovanni Maria Biddou. Cristian Connoos, Alessandra Cappai, Mito Castaner, Fitnat Cimsiî… Massimo Faiterri. Francesca Indovina. Alessandra loi. Sara levi Sacerdoti. Aldo Lina,, Marilena lucivero, Ricoardo Marini, Marita MDIUflO, Stefania Mauro,. Alessandro Melis. Thomas Wir, Pedro Rodrigues,. Maxime Rououd, Francis Russell, Fernanda Salvador Gianfranco Sanna. Silvia Serre, Michele Valentino, Dorian Wiszniewski.

ISSs of Facoltà di Architettura di Alghero are directed by Giovanni Maciocco & Arnaldo Bibo Cecchini.

Coordination Samanta Bartocci

Università di Sassari | Facoltà di Architettura
Beykent University of Istanbul | Department of Architecture
Université de Montpellier | École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture
University of Belgrade | Department of Urbanism
University of Cincinnati | College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning
Universitat de Girona | Departament de Geografia, Història de l’Art
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa | Facultade de Arquitectura